The day after my 21st birthday I came downstairs to a mountain of presents, which were carefully placed in black plastic bags, which my family collected for me whilst I greeted my guest. My priority was for my guest to feel welcome and to have a good time.
One by one I started tearing the wrapping paper, taking care of the fragile ones that rattled in their boxes...I was so excited and overwhelmed by the amount of presents I had received, which I was not expecting, I was grateful for my family and friends generosity, really I was more bothered of them turning up because my mum had spent a lot of money hiring the hall, buying the food and drinks, and my uncle DJing for the event. The gifts ranged from electric kettle, towels and ornaments, nearly all bottom draw gifts in preparation for marriage or moving away from my parents into my own property.
I picked up one box, tore off the paper and underneath revealed a blue box the brand name Royal Crown Derby. I carefully took the lid of the box off and there was a square trinket dish, posies floral design with a guilt trim and a white background, I received altogether 4 trinket, 2 square, 1 crescent and 1 oval. They were all very pretty and I couldn’t wait to display them when I had my own property.
As time went by, I was still living at my parents house, then I went to university and returned to my parents house, later I moved away for a new job and rented, I then bought my own property. It wasn’t until I bought my second property that I finally took my 21st birthday presents from my parents house to my new house. As I began to reminisce, I felt excited again, I only unwrapped a few items I left the trinkets in their boxes, because my taste and design had changed they didn’t appeal to me anymore, plus I was too young for this type of style, I now liked the modern interior design with less clutter.
It was only four years ago that I revisited my presents and thought I couldn’t keep them in their boxes any longer, they needed to be displayed, or I needed to sell them on eBay.
I didn’t sell them, the trinkets are finally put on view on the window sill of both bedrooms. Funnily enough they do look rather delicate and pretty, I wished I had displayed them years ago instead of waiting 37 years.
Royal Crown Derby has many beautiful delicate designs and if you have them stored away in their boxes, don’t be like me, be proud to display them, as I am doing right now.
Coleen Solomon